Zeitraum: 10.02.2025 / 06.10.2025
Aufenthaltdauer: 8 - 8
2 Erw., 0 Kinder ()
Desired destination:
Earliest arrival:
Duration of stay:
1 week
Number of travelers:

Legal Notice

Albatross Reisen GmbH

Marktbreiter Str. 11
D - 97199 Ochsenfurt

Tel.: +49 9331 98304-0
Fax: +49 9331 98304-29
E-Mail: info@albatross.de

Responsible in terms of press law: Chief executive officer Christian Claus
Addtional information: local court Würzburg HRB 2294
USt.-Id.Nr.: DE 134166330

Complaints and Conciliation Board:
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Postfach 08 06 32, 10006 Berlin

With respect to the newly introduced legislation regulating the settlement of consumer disputes (Gesetz über Verbraucherstreitbeilegung), ALBATROSS points out that it currently does not participate in any such voluntary settlement programme. In relation to all contractual relationships concluded electronically, ALBATROSS makes reference herewith to the European dispute settlement platform

Titel des Dialogfenster